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Monthly Exhibitions
Each month Gem camera club has a monthly competition where a judge will give you feedback on a maximum of three images submitted to the categories below. The judge feedback can prove extremely valuable to all entrants of any level.
Exhibition Categories
There are three different categories (or sections) for the competition. Each member can enter Set Subject and just one of the other two categories as per their skill level and choice.
Enthusiast Section (Two entries maximum)
This section is for new club members and photographers who consider they are still improving on their skills and not wanting to compete at a higher level. The Judge will provide a longer, more detailed critiques on your images submitted in this section. The Judge will give Gold, Silver, Bronze awards to worthy images. However, scores will not be tallied towards an overall enthusiast of the year. Members who enter this category are not eligible to enter images into the open category within the same exhibition.
Set Subject (Single entry)
This section is open to all members with a single entry per competition. Entries in this section must comply with the definition, and the subject, or theme, must be dominant in the photograph. Images in this section can be manipulated to any level as long as each element is photographic and ALL aspects of the image, including post-production, have been produced by the submitting member.
Open Subject (Two entries maximum)
This section is for photographers reasonably confident with their photography. Images in this section can be manipulated to any level as long as each element is photographic and ALL aspects of the image, including post-production, have been produced by the submitting member.